Scorching Sun? Do not worry... Attention to 'Cell Return LED Mask'!

2019-10-22     Cosmetics expert Han Jung-sun

The number of people who complain about skin problems due to UV rays and fine dust have increased with the continuation of hot weather.
Irritated skin due to the external environment reacts sensitively to even the mild stimulations, easily leading to skin problems or diseases and thus becoming the main culprit behind the deterioration of skin elasticity.

This is the time when it is good to carefully wash in order to manage the fine dust and the waste from skin and diligently apply skincare products suitable to the skin type when leaving the house. However, the most important thing to do is to increase the immunity of the skin itself.

Cell Return has recently released a beauty device that can take care of skin health at home. The device is called the ‘Cell Return LED Mask.’ Cell Return LED Mask is a home care product that focuses on near-infrared lines (infrared lines with wavelengths of 0.75~3um) and is equipped with hundreds of LED inside the mask to produce lights with a variety of wavelengths.

The light formed through such method is absorbed at the mitochondria, the energy powerplant of a cell, and increases the ‘fibroblast’ which produces the fiber that makes up the skin. Because fibroblast aids skin elasticity and regeneration, the more fibroblasts there are, the more effective it is in relieving wrinkles, elasticity, and skin problems.

Cell Return LED Mask has researched and developed only LED over 10 years from 2008 and used a carefully and delicately designed LED by making use of the patent for the self developed LED module for effective wavelength output. A Cell Return associate has explained that “because the 3 wavelengths that come out as red, blue, and pink from the several hundreds of chips embedded inside the mask are tailored to different skin problems, they are very effective against a tired skin.

Cell Return is furthermore the first in its industry to introduce and implement a high-tech LED analysis equipment and shows specialized technical skills by carrying out LED module package analysis, measuring the validity of wavelengths, measuring of light efficiency by peak wavelength, and measuring of 3-dimensional directional angle.