Apply this product to easily grow your eyelash? The truth about ‘eyelash nutritional supplements’

Eyelash nutritional supplement is not a medicine!

2020-01-23     한정선 기자(향장학 박사)

CARD 1. The desire to become pretty as a barbie doll

Every girl in the world can be categorized into two categories. First is a pretty girl and the second is a girl that will become pretty.

This was said by a respectable plastic surgeon with a deep philosophical ideology regarding his occupation.

Although the word ‘pretty’ by itself is a very abstract concept, many people think of a barbie doll with long eyelashes and a thin body.

CARD 2. The perfect looking eyelashes of a barbie doll

For girls who dream of having the body of a barbie doll, diet is a life-long concern and homework. Furthermore, a barbie doll’s perfect looking eyelash is also a very strong temptation.

The cosmetic that targets such phycological desires of the customers is the ‘eyelash nutritional supplement’ or ‘eyelash growth serum.’

CARD 3 Eyelash growth serum VS eyelash nutritional supplement

These products emphasize ‘100% real reviews’ through pictures comparing the lengths of eyelashes for before and after applying the products.

Furthermore, they have presented a marketing message which states that the products help efficiently absorb the active ingredients into to the follicle layer. If this is true, it is not a matter of expected effects but of a dangerous idea that can harm one’s eye health.

Usually, the products used to lengthen short eyelashes are ‘eyelash growth serum’ and ‘eyelash nutritional supplement.’

CARD 4. Eyelash growth serum is a medicine!

Firstly, an eyelash growth serum is a prescription drug that requires the doctor to prescribe it to patients suffering from alopecia (condition in which hair is lost) or condition in which eyelashes are less or shorter.

When some of the patients taking the glaucoma medicines showed a phenomenon of lengthening eyelashes, eyelash growth serum was further developed for beauty purposes to increase active eyelashes and decrease the dormant ones.

However when the treatment finishes, the patient returns to his or her original condition and therefore cannot anticipate a continuous growth of eyelashes.

CARD 5. Do not be greedy! Excessive application beyond recommended amount leads to adverse effects

Furthermore, applying more than what is recommended doesn’t necessarily lead to further growth of the eyelashes.

Therefore, let us not forget that eyelash growth serum is a prescription drug that can succeed in minimizing congestion, itchiness, and discoloration of the eyelids only if you follow the exact method and amount directed by the doctor’s prescription.

CARD 6. Eyelash nutritional supplement is a cosmetic!

Eyelash nutritional supplement is categorized as a cosmetic and is also called eyelash essence or serum.

This does not quicken the growth of eyelashes like the medicine but aids in improving the eyelashes’ strength to not easily fall away by supplying them with nutrients such as vitamin or peptide.

Thus, it is easy to understand if you realize the principle of preventing a thin and splitting hair from getting weaker by providing nutritional components or putting on a hair pack.

CARD 7. Only an illusion that makes you think the hair grew longer!

However, the eyelash nutritional supplement makes you falsely believe that your eyelash grew longer by coating the hair and prolonging the time period in which the hair falls off.

Moreover, cosmetic companies ease the customers’ concern for safety by emphasizing their usage of vegetable extracts. But since the products can not be free from the harmful effects of preservatives needed in order to store the products for a long period of time, excessive usage must be avoided.

CARD 8. Eyelash growth serum and eyelash nutritional supplement are completely different products

Currently on the internet, eyelash growth serum and eyelash nutritional supplement are used simultaneously as a same term to confuse the consumers but these two have completely different components and working mechanisms.

Therefore, let’s remember that an eyelash nutritional supplement is not a medicine that aids in eyelash growth but a ‘cosmetic’ that provides nutrients to help us maintain a healthy eyelash.