Take care of your health conveniently on holidays!

2020-01-28     한정선 기자(향장학 박사)

Card 1. Sharing warmth with gifts for health on holidays

At the end of the year, we often exchange gifts with each other and share our gratitude. Especially since it is winter, many people consider products that are good for their health.

CARD 2. reinforce the immune system when cold is viral

Above all, colds are prevalent in winter, when temperatures drop sharply. To prepare for this, how about health products that strengthen the body’s immune system, the most prominent defense line, while also relieving coughs? Typically, saponin is abundant in balloon flowers and pears, which helps to keep the bronchial health.

CARD 3. With balloon flower and pear, say bye to coughs

ChunhoNcare’s “Balloon Flower & Pear Premium” features the unique bitter taste of balloon flower into pear ginkgo concentrate, and can be enjoyed by all families, from children to adults.

CARD 4. convenient intake with stick packs

The "Pear & Balloon Flower" in stick packs that can be consumed more efficiently is a balanced mixture of balloon flower, pear, jujube, and quince concentrate.

CARD 5. The king of immunity, garlic

Garlic is one of the most popular food that enhances immunity. In particular, ChunhoNcare introduced products related to aged black garlic to ease the unique spiciness of garlic.

CARD 6. Leave aged for a long time, spiciness dissolves

ChunhoNcare’s “Black Garlic Premium” is aged at a constant temperature and humidity for more than 20 days, removing the unpleasant, unique odor of garlic. Also, the patented enzyme breakdown method and low-temperature vacuum concentration method have minimized the destruction of nutrients, and since contained by food pouches, it can be taken conveniently.

CARD 7. Health and beauty all at once!

If the person who will receive a gift is a middle-aged woman, a product that grabs both health and beauty simultaneously is recommended.

CARD 8. “UP” in skin health and body vitality!

According to ChunhoNcare, “ChunSimBon Hwanghoobonmi” contains a mixture of seven ingredients such as cnidium, peony, and wormwood, along with collagen and vitamin C which strengthen skin elasticity, and hyaluronic acid and elastin for skin moisturization all in one pack. Another advantage is that it can be consumed easily anytime, anywhere, since it is in a stick pack.

CARD 9. Any perfect health products for young people?

Nowadays, even young people in their 20s and 30s eat health products themselves. As they like products that are easy and quick to take, light products packed in stick packages are recommended to them.

CARD 10. Fruit of life and wisdom, pomegranate

ChunhoNcare's "Pomegranate Stick" contains a lot of nutrients that are good for women from pomegranates in a single package. Pomegranates have long been called as the fruit of life and wisdom in ancient Persia, and are known to be rich in vitamins and minerals, including plant estrogen.

CARD 11. Taste and nutrients as it is in pomegranates!

"Pomegranate Stick" is characterized by the use of NFC (Not From Concentrate) technology, which helps to preserve the taste and nutrition.

CARD 12. Enjoy holidays with convenient health food

"We hope all of our customers have a good year-end holiday with products that take care of the health easily without any burden," said the staff from ChunhoNcare.