Curiosity resolved! All about HPV vaccines
Curiosity resolved! All about HPV vaccines
  • 글·강태우 기자ㅣ번역·김성혜 인턴기자 (
  • 승인 2020.10.06 15:30
  • 댓글 0
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Men do not need HPV vaccines?
Efficacious when vaccinated even after had sexual intercourse

Cervical cancer is the only preventable cancer with HPV vaccines. Yet, vaccination rates are still about 50-60 percent. The dominant perception is that vaccines are useful only for women. However, vaccination is necessary since HPV infection occurs from sexual intercourse and that men cannot avert having genital herpes, penis cancer, or anal cancer as a result. Hence, K-Health is taking a step forward in correcting inaccurate perceptions of HPV vaccinations and the need for vaccination in men. The first is about misunderstandings and questions on the vaccination. <Editor’s Note>

Recently, as male models began to appear in the advertisements for HPV vaccines, there are efforts to emphasize the significance of vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV); however, the incorrect understandings of the vaccines are still plenty. With the help of some experts, here are common misunderstandings of the vaccines as well as facts.

■I got HPV vaccines when young… Is the 9-valent HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9) necessary?

It is not necessary. The HPV that cause cancers like cervical cancer are types 16 and 18, which can be prevented by Cervarix 2 and Gardasil 4. But, if you want to prevent other types, then you can consider having Gardasil 9.

■Are HPV vaccines inefficacious if I had sex before?

No. Sexual intercourse does carry HPV, but if not yet exposed to the virus, then vaccination can bring preventive effects. "Because complete infection with the high-risk HPV types is rare, the vaccines work against the uninfected virus types," Prof. Mi Kyung Kim from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Woman's University Mokdong Hospital said.

■The recommended age for the vaccination is between 9 to 26. Should I get the vaccines even though I am in my 40s?

Yes, it is highly recommended. Although the recommended age is between 9 to 26, a clinical trial with a group between the ages of 27 to 45 proved preventive effects of HPV vaccines. In South Korea, Gardasil 9 has become a vaccine efficacious up to age 45 since this July.

■HPV vaccines are of three separate shots, but my 11-year-old daughter had only received two. Are two shots enough?

Yes. “According to a clinical trial, a group of children between ages 9 to 14 who had received only two shots was found to develop a similar level of immunity as that of women between ages of 15 to 26 who had received three shots,” Prof. Kyung Do Ki from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong said.

Men should also have vaccines since they can suffer from genital herpes, anal cancer, or penis cancer if infected with HPV. Inoculation for not only women but also men can effectively prevent HPV as herd immunity (image=ClipArt Korea).
Men should also have vaccines since they can suffer from genital herpes, anal cancer, or penis cancer if infected with HPV. Inoculation for not only women but also men can effectively prevent HPV as herd immunity (image=ClipArt Korea).

■Is HPV vaccination required for men?

It is highly recommended they get the vaccines. HPV vaccines are closer to HPV infection vaccines than cervical cancer vaccines. If men are infected with HPV, then they can suffer from genital herpes, anal cancer, or penis cancer. “As HPV does not simply arise in women alone, but through sexual intercourse, vaccination for men can more effectively prevent the infection than herd immunity,” Prof. Mi Kyung Kim commented.

■I had been infected with type 6 HPV, but recent exams showed no more infection. Does vaccination prevent type 6 HPV infection?

Yes, getting vaccines after the virus had entirely died can lead to permanent immunity against type 6 HPV. “If you get HPV vaccines that have preventive effects of type 6, then you are very unlikely to be reinfected,” Prof. Sae Kyung Choi from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Catholic University of Korea at Incheon stated.

■I am currently infected with type 11 HPV. Can vaccination cure this?

No. “Because HPV vaccine is not a treatment but a preventive vaccine, the HPV type you are infected with cannot be removed by it,” Prof. Sae Kyung Choi commented.

■Are vaccines inefficacious if I have a history of infection, no matter the type of HPV?

Vaccination is efficacious in averting the types of HPV that you are not infected with at the moment. “Even though a virus type had infected you, if it is now inexistent, then antibodies developed by the vaccines can prevent reinfection,” Prof. Mi Kyung Kim emphasized.

■Is it okay if I got HPV vaccines right after flu shots?

Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory analgesics for treating flu do not affect vaccine effects. However, immune response inhibiting drugs like steroids may hinder the effects. “Preventive vaccines may result in fever, pain, etc. It is better to get vaccines when in a healthy condition in order to avoid side effects,” Prof. Kyung Do Ki advised.

■Why is keeping the HPV vaccine schedule significant?

Doing so can maintain the antibody titer (level of antibodies against certain types of antigens) the best. After the first vaccination, most antibodies are developed. Second and third vaccinations play the role of maintaining antibodies way longer by increasing immune reactions.

■What if I had vaccines earlier than supposed to?

“The efficacy of vaccines may decline when vaccinated earlier than supposed to because antibodies are not developed enough,” Prof. Kyung Do Ki commented.

■Am I not supposed to have sex during the inoculation period?

Well, it is not a taboo. “But if infected with HPV before completing vaccination, then inoculation is almost worthless. Also, safety research on vaccination during pregnancy is insufficient. It is better to have the rest of vaccines after giving birth if you got pregnant during the inoculation period,” Prof. Mi Kyung Kim explained.

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