[Discussion] Nasal Diseases ① Does Delayed Surgery for Broken Nose Cause Hooked Nose?
[Discussion] Nasal Diseases ① Does Delayed Surgery for Broken Nose Cause Hooked Nose?
  • 글·한정선 기자│번역·김성혜 인턴기자 (fk0824@k-health.com)
  • 승인 2021.06.29 17:33
  • 댓글 0
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Treatment required within a maximum of 14 days
Select a hospital that can diagnose and treat simultaneously
Insurance benefits for nasal bone fracture or disorder from injury
(From left) Reporter Han Jung-sun, ENT Dr. Lee Sung-hoon at the GNG Hospital, ENT Dr. Hong Sung-moon
(From left) Reporter Han Jung-sun, ENT Dr. Lee Sung-hoon at the GNG Hospital, ENT Dr. Hong Sung-moon

The nose, located in the center of the face, is also a key sign of wealth or luck for middle years according to Asian physiognomy, and noses that are undamaged and straight are said to be ideal. Aside from this physiognomic theory, the nose that determines the impression is what grabs people's interest.

What if the nose that holds essential functions and psychological beauty in the body turned into a crooked nose or aquiline nose due to an external shock when young? Often, if you have problems with your nasal bone in an emergency, it is easy to think of orthopedics or plastic surgery. But many people are unaware that accurate diagnosis of otolaryngology (ENT) must take place first.

There are many cases where a nasal fracture is overlooked or becomes a crooked nose or hooked nose over time after having only a simple emergency response. Therefore, I interviewed ENT doctors Lee Sung-hoon at the GNG Hospital and Hong Sung-moon to closely examine fractures caused by nasal bone injury when younger and how they become crooked or hooked noses if left untreated.

Reporter: What is the first aid for broken noses?

Lee: If there’s bleeding, lean your head forward and gently pinch the nostrils together for 10 minutes to stop the bleeding. But in case of severe headaches, neckaches, bleeding, nasal deformity, etc., treatment must begin as soon as possible. At that, do not touch or blow your nose but visit a hospital that can accurately examine and cure.

Reporter: Do you have to go to a university hospital? What should you consider if you are going to a nearby clinic?

Hong: In cases not related to life-or-death situations such as severe car accidents, coma, or breathing difficulty, visiting a nearby ENT clinic or plastic surgery within 1-2 days is recommended for a faster diagnosis.

After broken nose surgery
After broken nose surgery

Reporter: Is there an appropriate period for treating nose fracture?

Lee: It is better to visit a hospital as soon as possible to check for fracture and have surgery in an early stage. Leaving the fracture without immediate treatment, the inner and outer nose can deform; therefore, treatment is essential within a maximum of 14 days. The faster the treatment, the more accurate the nose can be realigned, and the less pain and bleeding there is.

Reporter: What functional or physical problems occur if the bone injury was not treated well in the past?

Lee: In some cases, cartilage and bones may naturally crook as they grow, but if nasal fractures caused by external shocks are not treated in time, cartilage and bones may bend, leading to functional problems. A typical example is septum deviation, which can disturb daily life with nasal congestion or mouth breathing. Also, there is a possibility that nasal valve stenosis may be accompanied, so it is required to examine the inside of the nose. As an external problem, cartilage may collapse or rise, resulting in deformation such as a flat, crooked, or hooked nose.

Reporter: What specifically are the crooked nose and hooked nose? I’m guessing they are not only related to outer appearance.

Lee: Crooked noses can be classified depending on the degree of how much they are bent: ones with crooked nasal septal cartilage, with crooked nasal bone, with bent nasal tip. Hooked noses have nasal septal cartilages of the nasal bone and the nose, grown more than normal, bulging like the beak of a falcon.

A crooked nose and hooked nose often worsen nasal congestion (stuffy nose) by accompanying septal deviation and nasal valve stenosis. In this case, correction and nasal congestion surgery can be performed simultaneously, improving the look and function. Simply looking at the nose shape does not help identify the form and degree of inner cartilage; hence, using equipment such as 3D CT is significant for multiangle examination.

Before(left) and after(right) nasal fracture surgery shown with 3D CT
Before(left) and after(right) nasal fracture surgery shown with 3D CT

Reporter: Please explain possible side effects from surgery or procedure for a broken nose.

Hong: Performing reduction without accurately identifying the patient’s nasal condition may cause the nasal bone to be reattached in an unwanted shape, leading to changes in appearance, such as the hooked nose or crooked nose. This may also result in nasal congestion diseases, including damage in the nasal septum and nasal adhesion. Therefore, the total treatment, which considers the outer appearance of the nose and improvements for the inner function, must be carried.

Reporter: What are the accurate standards for diagnosis and treatment for nasal fracture from injury?

Lee: If you feel pain when you touch your nose and your nose swelled up and bleed, the nasal bone fracture and internal tissues are likely damaged. Also, if post-traumatic nose deformity is visually identifiable, the chances are high that it is a nasal fracture. On the other hand, even if there seems to be no problem in the appearance of a cracked nose, thoroughly checking the inside and outside of the nose is significant as structural deformation may occur over time.

Generally, if the nose bone is broken, “reduction” is performed. If the fracture is not severe, "closed reduction" is carried by lifting and fixing the entire nose bone using instruments inside the nasal bone without incision. For severe nasal fracture, "open reduction," which corrects the bone by directly looking at it, can be done. Also, follow-up care after surgery is very essential.

Reporter: Can a broken nose from injury be covered?

Hong: Broken nose from injury or disease from deformity of inner nasal structure can be covered by medical insurance.

Reporter: How about follow-up care after the surgery?

Hong: The nasal bone fracture requires correcting the bone in place and monitoring the progress until the bone realigns. It takes about a month for the bones to reattach together. Avoid food that is hard or needs a lot of chewing, and refrain from excessive movement. Also, if you apply pressure or irritate your nose, it can deform. Hence, be careful of any shocks to the nose. For faster recovery, avoid smoking and drinking.

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